7 Witchcraft Attacks and how to deal with them

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7 Witchcraft attacks and how to deal with them



The Church is being attacked by witchcraft, and many people who have ignored it have lost their families, their vision, their lives, and their ministry. This is not hyperbole; it is reality. Paul stated in Ephesians 6:12 that we do not fight against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. The enemy will fight, and he will wrestle with us; if we choose not to fight, we will be pinned.

Ex-occult deliverance ministry and deliverance prayer are the keys to escaping these bonds. Randy Goodwin has found the solution. You can recover your life and break free from the clutches of evil by combining prayer against witchcraft with the therapeutic process of occult deliverance. There is a clear route to being free from spiritual abuse, and you are not alone.


Indications that you are being attacked by witches



Everybody experiences discouragement occasionally, and there are a variety of causes for this. Witchcraft beings are not necessarily the cause of discouragement. Witchcraft should be taken into consideration as a potential cause, though, if you start to feel discouraged more and more for no obvious reason. You are most likely being attacked spiritually when your problems seem insurmountable and you want to give up, even when the situation is not that bad. The attempt of the enemy to make you feel discouraged is aimed at weakening you so that you become perplexed.


Once more, you need to search for a widespread and growing “spirit of confusion” that has no discernible cause. Your commitment will naturally wane as we start to lose sight of what we have been called to undertake. This misunderstanding is intended to exacerbate your dejection, leaving you even more helpless and open to additional assault, which typically takes the form of depression.


This is a deeper problem than just discouragement. It arises from the combined effect of bewilderment and discouragement, together with the general neglect of spiritual habits that have usually slipped in by this time. In the last days, depression will become a more common issue, and you need to overcome it else it will lead to loss of vision.

Loss of vision

This is the intention of the earlier signs, and it increases their impact. At this point, you start to question whether God has called us to the mission. If you don’t know where you’re heading, you can’t hold your course, which is the only way you can navigate through the confusing storm. If you believe that pursuing your goal was incorrect in the first place, you will not attempt to stay on the path. At a time when we most need to be steadfast, such a lack of vision will cause us to veer off course (Hebrews 12:13).


Disorientation is often the outcome of sadness, confusion, and loss of vision. Not only have you lost the ability to read the compass by this point, but you have also forgotten the course you were supposed to be on. You will no longer hear from the Scriptures, and even the most gifted teaching or preaching will no longer be able to inspire you or give you much hope. This is when spiritual incapacitation occurs, the inability to perform, thus leading to withdrawal. 


When confusion sets in, it is easy to retreat or withdraw from our purpose, our relationships with other members of the Church, and frequently from our loved ones. Withdrawal then leads to despair.



Desperation and hopelessness quickly follow withdrawal from the fight. Without hope, you can easily be taken out by the enemy, either via sickness, temptation, or death. According to science, even the healthiest individual will rapidly decline and die if hope is taken away. However, with optimism, both men and women have survived far longer than a typical body would have.

Witchcraft Attack

For you to be more readily picked off, the enemy wants to weaken us so that we start to lag. In the Bible, the Amalekites represents the devil and his forces. The Amalekites had a habit of attacking the helpless and vulnerable. The Amalekites killed the loners or stragglers who lagged behind the rest of the camp as Israel’s camp moved across the wilderness.

For believers to lag behind the rest of the camp and become easy prey, the enemy uses witchcraft to weaken them. Israel was warned that there would be a continuous conflict with the Amalekites. In addition to being ordered to fight them, Israel’s rulers were also ordered to destroy them and not take any spoils. We cannot accept any prisoners in our never-ending battle with Satan. We should also not use what belongs to him for God’s benefit.

Every time I participate in a Deliverance Minister service, I am in awe of how consistently God delivers.

When a person chooses to forgive and repent from their wrongdoing, the demons go when they are ordered to in the name of Jesus Christ. Deliverance is simple because God takes care of everything. Our greatest weapon is not our muscles, the loudness of our voice, or our religiosity. It is proclaiming the Word of God, speaking the truth to evil, and believing the truth instead of a falsehood. Demons must depart when ordered to do so after the truth is acknowledged. That’s Deliverance and God makes it easy.

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A person must give their consent for a demon to enter them. The issue is that allowing them in is simpler than resisting their attempts to do so. It’s simple to get lazy or lose sight of how good it is to be bond-free. You must now fulfill your responsibilities, be steadfast in your faith, and remain strong in the word even after a session. It’s a fight, so pick up your sword and defend your newfound independence!

Randy Goodwin specializes in deprogramming, trafficked survivors, occult deliverance, and SRA survivors. Survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) are another name for SRA victims. Serving SRA survivors is something he appreciates. The Ministry of Occult Deliverance and Deliverance from the Occult is here. Additionally, survivors of trafficking, sex trafficking, or being trafficked by my family are all legitimate. If you wish to be free, please take this extremely seriously.

He is prepared to put in the work that this will require.


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