Randy Goodwin

Deliverance Ministry - I'm  Randy Goodwin a husband, father, and a born-again believer with all the authority and power that has been given unto man From God the Father to operate in our Freedom. I have done Many years of study and been given an Honorary Doctorate..

Jesus always comes every time to heal and set free. We will cancel any Generational curses that you have and made them null and void along with any vows, oaths, or ceremonies. We will integrate any potential alters so the true person will be one and healed. Also, we will move quickly and efficiently, so you can Get free, Live free, Stay free!

Throughout the Gospels, we see story after story of Jesus reaching out to those who were hurting. He healed the sick. He performed miracles. Furthermore, he delivered people from demonic spirits. Yet He didn’t always do things in the timing or the way that many would think best. I love it when God works outside our own box of thinking. He reaches across social and cultural boundaries to the soul in need, bringing restoration from brokenness and hope for a fresh start. That’s what he did in the lives of these people. And that’s what He desires to do in our lives too.

Randy Goodwin Mission

Randy Goodwins deliverance ministry, Sra Survivor Freedom ministry has helped people suffering from the effects of , Witchcraft, Mind control Deprogramming, Trafficking Survivors, the occult, molestation, verbal and emotional abuse, pain/trauma, DID/MPD, schizophrenia, voices .

Whenever I am a part of a Deliverance , I am amazed at how God always comes through. When a person chooses to forgive and repents from their sin and we do the proper prayers Deliverance is easy because God does all the work!. Our greatest weapon is not our muscles, or the loudness of our voice, or our religiosity-it is speaking the Word of God, speaking the truth to evil. Believing the truth rather than a lie. Once the truth is confessed and forgiven, demons must leave when commanded. That’s Deliverance and God makes it easy.

Now even after a session you have to do your part and stay strong in the word and don’t waiver in your faith. Take up your sword daily and fight for your new found freedom, Yes its a fight!

Randy Goodwin Vision

Deliverance will ONLY be effective if you are repentant. If you are being tortured with feelings of anger, bitterness , hatred or unforgiveness toward anyone, if you really want to forgive them and stop being angry, you should come for a Deliverance. While it may seem impossible for you right now to forgive, through the Deliverance process, you will find freedom. Randy Goodwin

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9

On the other hand, if you don’t think unforgiveness is that big of a deal, then you can continue experiencing the torment if you so choose. A deliverance will not help if you would rather be angry or if you feel like you are “justified” to hate. We are justified by faith in Jesus Christ alone. So Move towards God and lets get you Free now !


Deliverance For You !

If you are and need Sra Survivor Freedom , Occult Deliverance , Sra survivor Resources , Mind Control Deprogramming , Ritual Abuse Then I can help You!

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